Remember Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the former Mexican prison inmate who spent 214 days in custody after accidentally crossing the border into Mexico with several legal firearms in his possession?

Though President Barack Obama made zero efforts to aid Tahmooressi, who eventually earned his release due in large part to the work of several noted congressional members, the same cannot be said about current GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump.
According to Fox News, only days after Tahmooressi finally made it back home in November of 2014, billionaire candidate Donald Trump decided to bless the beleaguered Marine with a $25,000 check.
“I really want this money to go to him, not his lawyers,” he said at the time.
“I kept on thinking it’s going to be this month,” he said. “It’s going to be really soon. It’s going to come really soon. I kept on getting my hopes up, you know, and it just kept on dragging on and dragging on.”
That Trump forked over some of his own money to help Tahmooressi rebuild his life spoke volumes about his kind heart and charitable spirit.
It also inadvertently highlighted one of the fundamental differences between him and our current president: Unlike Obama, Trump actually cares about our military. Instead of just giving lip service to his support, he put his money where his mouth is and demonstrated via his actions that the concern he feels is real.
A lot of people talk a big game, but Trump did an awful lot more than that for Sgt. Tahmooressi.
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